Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Here goes...

So, this is it. This is what it's like to have an inexpensive (read: free) piece of the internet. This is what it's like to come home, tired from the day and spout out my thoughts and my life and therefore, with no real validity or affirmation, call myself a writer. So here goes...

For those of you who know me, it shouldn't surprise you that it took me at least a month to come up with the title. I moved to New Orleans from Charleston, South Carolina about a month ago and only yesterday, in some brief epiphany while sitting in traffic, did I come up with The Big (Un)Easy. It's how I felt and it's where I am, so I jotted it down and here it is.

Although I'm sure this will evolve, I'm really going to focus upon three things.

1 - Internship. How much I love it. How much I hate it. All the weird subtleties and not-so-subtleties that go with being a medical and psychiatric intern.

2 - New Orleans. This city is nuts and, in my mind, is the most unique place in America. Crazy things happen here and will be recorded on this blog.

3 - Reviews. I'm a consumate consumer and will try to review books, CDs, movies, articles, politicians, celebrities, jokes - whatever come to mind.

So, there it is. I'm sitting here, the night before my first day on the job, writing my first blog entry. For the next four months, I'm entering the world of New Orleans inpatient Psychiatry and will no doubt, in some HIPPA compliant (read: non-identifying) way, have stories for you. So follow me, read the blog from time to time and hopefully be entertained. Until then -



Song of the moment: Steve Earl - "This City"


  1. I'm totally with you on NOLA being the most unique city in America. The number of different cultures that contributed to the city culture is incredible. Looking forward to some good stories!

  2. Of course! Can't wait for you to visit!

  3. Can't wait to hear about all your hippa-friendly adventures! But I'm even more excited to make the blog when I visit in two weeks!!!
